
Mental Health Foundation:
Mind: - Use this site to find local support services/groups
Samaritans:  24-hour free helpline 116 123 -
SANE:  SANEline 0300 304 7000 (daily, 4:30pm to 10:30pm) -
Cruse Bereavement Care:  0808 808 1677 (weekdays, 9am to 5pm)
Mencap: Learning disability support -
MindoutLGBTQ mental health support -
a local trained therapist - ask if your therapist has low-income/trainee/affordable rates 
Book recommendations: Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig, The Self Care Prescription by Robyn Gobin, The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy, Mental Health, Race and Culture by Suman Fernando
Your GP: Request a doctor that has experience of Mental Health/ training in this area specifically.
Your family & friends: Open up to at least one person you trust, consistently.
Art Therapy: Start painting, start taking your own photos, creating sculptures and more. Use Google to search for local art therapists, because they might be running some really fantastic and affordable workshops or one-to-one sessions. 

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